The Concise Book of Trigger Points, Third Edition

The Concise Book of Trigger Points, Third Edition

A Professional and Self-Help Manual

Author: Simeon Niel-Asher

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Since publication almost ten years ago, The Concise Book of Trigger Points has been translated into over twenty languages and become a best seller worldwide. This new edition has been completely updated with current research, evidence, and advanced techniques for manual therapy practitioners, and includes simple self-help protocols that the layperson can do at home.
Containing full-color illustrations, this compact reference guide explains how to treat chronic pain through trigger point — tender, painful nodules that form in muscle fibers and connective tissues.
The easy reference format presents useful information about the trigger points relating to the main skeletal muscles, which are central to massage, bodywork, and physical therapy. The first six chapters provide a sound background to the physiology of trigger points, and the general methods of treatment. Chapters 7 through 12 are organized by muscle group, with the information about each muscle presented in a uniform accessible style. Each two-page spread gives detailed anatomical information, referred pain patterns, plus key trigger point information, practitioner protocols, and self-help information and drawings.

“This book wonderfully describes the syndromes of myofascial pain that affect the skeletal muscles. The text is clear, with detailed information about the presentation of syndromes in each body region, and the illustrations show the referred pain patterns clearly. Individuals suffering from myofascial pain will find it useful in understanding and managing their symptoms.”
Dr. Bob Gerwin, MD, FAAN
Medical Director and President, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
“Simeon Niel-Asher has improved on an already wonderfully descriptive book on myofacial pain, trigger points, and syndromes. The text is clear, the diagrams excellent and the overall result is an excellent resource.”
Dr. Simon Vulfsons, MD, Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Pain Management Director, the Institute for Pain Medicine, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel
“This book is a must-have for manual therapists serious about their craft, as well as for serious self-treaters who want to take their level of understanding and treatment independence to a higher level. The book is extremely well organized, well written, and concise. The illustrations are beautiful and accurate.”
Jonathan Reynolds, PhD, PT, co-owner and founder of Reynolds Rehabilitation Enterprises

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ebook, paperback

Release Date: 2014-09-16
Paperback 9781583948491
Ebook 9781583948507

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