Salicrow is a natural psychic medium who has been aware of her gifts since childhood. For over twenty-five years she has worked as a seer, using the tarot and runes as her tools. With her ability to divine the future and revisit the past, she advises her clients with compassion and a straight forward approach. As a medium, she helps people to connect with their beloved dead, family, friends, and loved ones who have passed, as well as make connections with the guiding spirits who watch over them. As an intuitive healer, Saliwcrow is dedicated to helping the beings of our planet and the Earth itself. She is a reiki master in six schools of reiki, a sound healer, druid, and a practioner of Rune Valdr and Seithr.
Salicrow lives in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont with her husband of twenty-four years. Her children, grandchildren, and community are a big part of her life. She is a deep lover of sacred travel and has been known to go on adventures, near and far, where she can most likely be found doing healing work on the spirits of the land and on the land itself.