Quantum-Touch 2.0 – The New Human

Quantum-Touch 2.0 – The New Human

Discovering and Becoming

Author: Richard Gordon, Chris Duffield, Ph.D., Vickie Wickhorst Ph.D.

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Quantum-Touch 2.0—The New Human endeavors to significantly enlarge the possibilities of what humans can be and do. In clear, step-by-step instructions, the reader will learn to easily demonstrate that human limits are as yet unknown.

Readers can learn to do healing on multiple people at once to reduce their pain in minutes, work on multiple conditions at once, help people shift their own beliefs with the use of energy, and work across time and space. Readers will even learn to safely and visibly adjust the posture of multiple people simultaneously without touching.

Science assumes that we are separate, and that our thoughts don’t affect the outer reality. This notion is something that each of us can now clearly demonstrate to be untrue.

The originator of the Quantum-Touch energy healing method and a popular workshop leader and speaker at conferences and holistic health institutes, Richard Gordon has been developing and refining Quantum-Touch since the publication of his best-selling Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal. Gordon shares his discoveries in this new book, which takes Quantum-Touch to a far more powerful level.

To enrich the book with scientific insights and commentary, Gordon sought out coauthors Vickie Wickhorst, PhD, and Chris Duffield, PhD. As academics investigating the convergence of science, technology, and the power of the human energy field, Wickhorst and Duffield serve as perfect guides to help readers, even skeptical ones, uncover their own process of discovery.

This book is a must for all world travelers!

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ebook, paperback

Release Date: 2013-02-12
Paperback 9781583943649
Ebook 9781583943809

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