Courtenay Young
Courtenay Young was originally trained in Body Psychotherapy at the Gerda Boyesen Centre in London (1979–1983) and also with David Boadella and others. He then moved to Scotland and was the resident psychotherapist for 17 years at the Findhorn Foundation, an international spiritual community. He has been both general secretary and president of the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP) and was made an EABP Honorary Member in 2010; he is also a member of USABP; and, in 2011, he founded Body Psychotherapy Publications to produce a new series of edited books. He lives near Edinburgh in Scotland and works in both the National Health Service and privately, being registered as a psychotherapist with the UKCP and with EAP. The author and editor of several books, he was the lead writer on The EAP’s Project to Establish the Professional Competencies of a European Psychotherapist, and he is currently Editor of the International Journal of Psychotherapy.