North Atlantic Books

Personal Grief Ritual: The Grief Jar

A personal grief ritual adapted from Tending Grief: Embodied Rituals for Holding Our Sorrow and Growing Cultures of Care in Community


These rituals can be done alone to tend grief in your daily life. Most can be experienced in as little as twenty minutes but can be extended as needed. Feel free to experiment and find what works best for you. 

This ritual comes from Tricia Hersey of the Nap Ministry and has been adapted slightly.  

You will need the following: 

When you are ready to begin:

  1. Place your jar on your altar or somewhere in your home that you see regularly.
  2. Place the pieces of paper next to the jar. Place a pen here too.
  3. When you feel a moment of grief or sorrow moving in you, write it down on one of the small pieces of paper and place it in the jar.
  4. On the full moon or new moon, make a ritual to release the grief that has built up in your jar.

There are two options for this ritual:


a. Fill a large bowl or vessel with water.

b. Use an embodiment practice of your choice.

c. Take time to reflect on each moment of grief written on the pieces of paper in your jar. Remove one piece and release any sounds, tears, or words that feel necessary.

d. When you are ready, release the bit of paper into the water allowing it to submerge.

e. Repeat until you have emptied the contents of your jar.


a. Place a small candle into a large bowl or vessel.

b. Use an embodiment practice of your choice.

c. Take time to reflect on each moment of grief written on a piece of paper. Release any sounds, tears, or words that feel necessary.

d. When you are ready, release the paper into the candle flame allowing it to burn.

e. Repeat until you have emptied your jar.

This can also be done with an outdoor fire or fireplace. Take care to do this safely if you choose to work with fire.  

  1. Once your moon ritual is complete, return your jar to its place and restock your paper next to it.


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