North Atlantic Books

Good Sex: Sneak Peek

We’re thrilled to announce that this Tuesday, we’ll be releasing Jessica Graham’s Good Sex: Getting Off Without Checking Out. Enjoy the sneak peek from Jessica below.

Having mindful sex doesn’t mean always making sweet love, staring into your partner’s eyes and whispering sweet nothings. ‘Mindful’ doesn’t mean mushy or boring. In my experience, mindful sex can be dirty, fun, exciting and even rough (mindful sex can absolutely involve handcuffs). It is based on who you are in that moment.

Mindful sex is not perfect sex. If you are stuck in an ideal, you miss out on what is happening in the moment. So many deny themselves spectacular sex because they are caught up in how they think it should be. Your sexuality is a gift that you get to unwrap again and again throughout your life. It changes and evolves just like your body does, just like nature does, just like everything does.

This book isn’t meant to give you a cookie-cutter sex life. Instead, it’s an invitation to venture into the mystery and beauty of your authentic sexuality. By simply being present with yourself and your partner while you are having sex, you can connect in ways that seem magical. It’s not actually magic: It’s how life is when you show up for it.

As you begin this adventure, remember that ultimately, you are your own best teacher. My experience and suggestions are just a jumping off point. As you get to know your body and begin to gain some perspective on the stories in your mind, a new kind of wisdom will emerge. A wisdom that you can trust to lead you skillfully through your sex life and beyond. No one can give you this wisdom; you must find it for yourself. So take what you like from this book and leave the rest. One size does not fit all.

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