North Atlantic Books

The Language of Breath


For breathwork fans who want to go deeper—20+ science-backed breathing practices to boost your energy, unlock your mind-body connection, and heal from chronic stress

Breathwork expert Jesse Coomer reveals how to breathe our way to better health, increased vitality, and mental clarity by unlocking The Language of Breath.

Using powerful, proven breathwork exercises, Coomer delivers a new paradigm to the world of breathwork: one that reconnects us to our innate mind-body wisdom and bridges the evolutionary disconnect between our bodies, brains, and the stressors of modern-day life.

By engaging with our breath as a language that we can listen to and learn, we can:

With practical exercises and simple techniques, this book provides a step-by-step approach to using breath as a tool for self-discovery and transformation. From overcoming stress and anxiety to managing chronic illness, The Language of Breath is a must-read for anyone seeking to harness the power of their own breath to live a healthier, happier life.


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