North Atlantic Books

Letter from the Publisher: Annual Donation

One of our goals as a nonprofit press committed to healing and justice is to use our positionality to help seed other organizations doing systems-change work. One form this takes is using our position as a financially stable organization to redirect some of our monetary resources to small groups on the front lines of change in the form of donations that can be used however the groups see fit.

For the last three years we have focused in June on supporting Black-led organizations in their work supporting Black people and dismantling systemic racism. This year we are honored to announce four such donations:

For the third year in a row, we are sending a donation of $1,000 to the Anti Police-Terror Project, a Black-led coalition in our region that strives to build a sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color.

We are also pleased to send a $2,000 donation this summer to Urban Tilth, with whom we have tilled and weeded garden beds over the years as part of our annual days of service. This year we wanted to offer financial support as the organization mobilizes to protect one of its youth-led, community-focused gardens from encroaching development.

This year we also felt it was important to support a Black-led organization doing on-the-ground organizing in Buffalo in the wake of the tragic shooting in the Tops Friendly Markets. We are honored to send a $2,000 donation to Black Love Resists in the Rust to support their critical work in Buffalo.

Finally, as a media organization, we are always looking to support emergent organizations in the literary landscape working to amplify Black voices. This June we are thrilled to make a $1,000 donation to Scalawag magazine, which works in the South in solidarity with oppressed communities to interrupt and shift the narratives that keep power and wealth in the hands of the few.

As always, we hope you will join us in supporting these essential organizations working to dismantle white supremacy and create a world that dignifies all.

—Tim McKee, publisher of North Atlantic Books


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