North Atlantic Books

Terry Patten

Terry Patten speaks and consults internationally as a philosopher, activist, coach and teacher–inspiring, challenging, and connecting leaders and institutions worldwide for over three decades. With Ken Wilber and a core team at Integral Institute, he coauthored Integral Life Practice, which distills ancient and modern practices into a contemporary transformational lifestyle. He is the host of “Beyond Awakening: The Future of Spiritual Practice,” an international online teleseminar series. He is a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, a member of Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders group, and serves on the board of the Wellsprings Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom. He was a founding editor of the award-winning Laughing Man magazine and founded the catalog company Tools For Exploration, which defined the field of consciousness technologies. Patten holds degrees from the University of Michigan and John F. Kennedy University (MA in consciousness studies), and has taught at the University of Notre Dame, Columbia University, and San Francisco State University.

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